“He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”
Psalm 23:3
Paths of Righteousness, the hiking group launched at St. Michael’s in 2019 under the leadership of Pete Papas and Fr. Sam Smolcic, is eagerly planning their 2024 hiking season! This pan-Orthodox hiking group will again embark on wilderness hikes of 5 to 7 mile length on Saturdays on established trails in Westmoreland, Fayette, Somerset, Indiana, and Cambria counties. Fr. Sam has extensive experience on these trails and will be choosing routes of easy to moderate difficulty. He has 25 different hikes in this region in his repertoire, all of which inspire praise to our Lord, “whose Name is majestic in all the earth,” Psalm 8:9. Adult hikers of both genders are welcome, with the only requirement being that they be fit enough and able to do the hike. Also, hikers with First Aid experience will be cordially welcomed to participate. Hikes will take place approximately once every 4 – 6 weeks and will run from May to September. A preliminary schedule of the Hikes is as follows: (1) May 18; (2) June 15; (3) July 13; (4) August 17; and (5) September 28. All dates though firm, may also be changed or cancelled subject to weather forecasts. The 2024 Hikes have been carefully scheduled to avoid civil or Church holidays. Please contact Pete Papas in person, by phone (412) 558-1246, or by email at pnpapas@verizon.net if you are interested in becoming a part of this outdoor fellowship of those who are moved to “praise the Lord from the heavens (and) praise Him in the heights,” Psalm 148:1. An orientation meeting will take place prior to the first Hike.